What makes us the best in treating auto injuries?

I am very passionate about working with my clients who have been in a car accident, because I feel there is a huge gap in the care offered to people who have endured this experience. As a trauma informed practitioner I know that our culture is a grin and bear it kind of culture. I believe, after 20 years of working very closely with my clients, that is is very easy to suppress our emotions, or simply be unconscious of what we are feeling and experiencing at all, so then these emotions get lodged in the body creating obstructions to our energetic flow.

Energy work is woven into every session I do because this is inherent to who I am. Energy is inseparable from our physical, emotional, and spiritual, therefore I am honoring and holding space for each layer to be seen and felt. It is natural to have survival fears that get triggered during an experience like a car accident. Our root chakra very often locks up around our glutes and tailbone. I call these our ‘oh s$#t muscles’ because we often do clench there as an automatic response when we fear for our life. It is primal.

Biodynamic Craniosacral is a beautiful modality I also utilize to help smooth out and ease the nervous system back into a grounded flowing state. To feel that level of gentleness and care, holding, and patience is the antidote to a sudden jolt to the system that comes in the sudden impact of a car accident. A coherence and co-regulation is created between myself and my client through a deeply grounded and peaceful nervous that I cultivate consistently and hold to entrain my clients to.

I had a client the other day tell me that he can tell that I actually care about him, genuinely, when I work on him. He could feel it. It is true. I suppose it is the super power I have practiced over the past 20 years in practice… to not be afraid to genuinely care about my clients. This is my passion, my purpose, and I take that very seriously. This level of care is what I believe is needed in order to heal the world.

When I do auto injury work I also love that I get to work on people who don’t have as much access to high quality bodywork, due to financial limitations. Some people have never even had a professional massage until they have been in a car accident. So this is the silver lining of trauma’s… they often bring us into ourselves in surprising new ways. To learn our bodies in a new way, to experience depths of peacefulness and rest during their sessions they didn’t even know were possible.

If you or someone you know has been in an auto accident and are seeking care please read our info page on what we need in order to treat you. Remember PIP laws ensure that you get up to $15,000 worth of care after your auto injury. Make sure to take advantage of this great opportunity for high quality care here at Equilibria Wellness, Hood River/Gorge. Stay safe and present out there on the roads. Ideally I hope you can find your way to me another way!


Healthy Power and How to Claim It